08 Oct designing… urban mobility
Will the future of urban mobility require an advanced network of wayfinding signage or will the device that transports us be smart enough to find its way?
In the world’s race to find solutions to alternative fuels, electric drive platforms and the end to the use of crud, companies like Comus Urban Mobility is driving future industries such as environmental and industrial design as well as marketing into a new era. Including technology devices and there use-ability, changing the mindset of consumers that are reluctant to give in to greener alternatives and the design and development of future eco societies where plugin stations and simplified lifestyles flourish.
Comus Urban Mobility + page35 = innovation
Comus Urban Mobility is an international group of innovative partners that are committed to leading the industry in the design, development, and manufacturing of alternative fuel plugin and hybrid vehicles with an objective of delivering an affordable product to an international market that will change the way consumers think, use and communicate with their vehicle. Comus is a global leader in commercializing innovative green technologies and services such as: distributed energy production, on-demand mobility and infotainment products, clean vehicles and power generation. Their idea is to improve social equality by providing access to sustainable clean energy, clean water and mobility to communities worldwide. Comus has organized on the strong belief that new energy transportation from new automotive markets will have an commanding international presence and will assume a major role in the global industry. With the development of new energy technologies, Comus intends on bringing to market safe, dependable vehicles built with advanced green technologies while satisfying a demand for a plugin that will be within the means of the worlds general population.
Comus Urban Mobility, CEO David Shelburg II has partnered with Darien Page of page35 to develop the Comus Urban Moblity project branded Mobility 1.0, design new user interfaces to device components and develop an international marketing campaign that focuses on the ideology of how we will commute and communicate in the future of urban mobility. After our recent trip to Frankfurt Germany in September 2011 and workshops with world renowned automotive designers and engineers, we are excited to announce that our new international partnerships will excel the design and development of this urban mobility concept. Like Comus, page35 is dedicated to the design and development of renewable energy products and the study of urban environments including the impacts past and present societies have had on them.
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